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August 21 2016 0Comment

The Ergonomic Conveyor

Most conveyors are used in place of warehouse personnel. But on the receiving and shipping docks, the loading and unloading zones, conveyors that extend into trailers and shipping containers interface with humans. “In those areas, we are where the rubber hits the road,” says Mark Rehder, general manager and vice president for Caljan Rite-Hite (303-321-3600,http://www.caljanritehiteus.com)). […]

August 21 2016 0Comment

Greeen Conveying Belt System

Green conveying: A tough economy has put a premium on cost containment and an increasing interest in sustainability. Both are creating demand for motor driven roller conveyor (MDR). In these conveyors, each roller is powered by an energy-saving, 24-volt motor inside the roller. “The post office has seen a 60% energy savings in parcel-handling applications, […]

August 21 2016 0Comment

What’s new in conveyor technology

If you haven’t purchased a new conveyor system in the last five years or so, you might think the book was closed long ago on conveyor technology. After all, how tough can it be to power some rollers and move a carton from here to there, right? If you’re talking about a basic roller conveyor […]